Bouquet d'Automne II
Bouquet d'Automne II
Bouquet d'Automne II
Bouquet d'Automne II
Bouquet d'Automne II
Bouquet d'Automne II

Bouquet d'Automne II

Price list  €8,00

0 en stock

"Automn Bouquet II" is inspired by the crispness and colourfulness of automn. Featuring leafy grey-green strokes on a kaki-green background, it fills any space with the comfort and familiarity of fall.

Roll size : 70 cm x 9 m (27.6 in x 9.8 yd)
Vertical repeat : 70 cm (27.6 in)
Available finishes : Non-Woven Matte Finish, Vinyl Performance Type II on request.

All wallpapers are created with non-toxic Greenguard-certified ink and with 100% recyclable materials.

All our wallpapers are unique. They are printed in our Atelier and receive exceptional attention to detail. The finest materials and printing technologies are used in their production.


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