Our Commitment

We are proud to be a brand that meets the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability.
Papier Français is committed to the development of an ultra modern, sustainable, carbon neutral atelier of excellence.


An atelier of excellence:


Waste time, not paper

Our wallpapers are available on a made-to-order basis, and in custom roll lengths. This means we create only what our customers request and only in the exact size that is is needed. Our low-waste approach to manufacturing allows us to produce only what will be used, and nothing more.

This commitment allows us to lessen the environmental burden of goods production on our planet, because a good planet is hard to find.

Give green a chance

Our wallpapers are manufactured using compliant “on trend” technologies providing minimum energy performance standards (MEP’s). They are proudly printed with solvent free inks and from chemicals that could damage the environment.

We exclusively source environmentally friendly materials and methods, and we optimise technology for the lowest pollution and the highest energy efficiency. We regularly carry out exhaust air and pollution testing.